Thursday, October 5, 2023

Sophia Rose Reviews: Stilettos and Sniper Rifles by Gail Koger

Today Sophia Rose reviews Stilettos and Sniper Rifles book one in a new series by Gail Koger.

Stilettos and Sniper Rifles by Gail Koger

#1 Deputy Gemma Stone

Romantic Suspense

Publisher: Self

Published: 8.9.23

Pages: 133

Rating: 4 stars

Format: eARC

Source:  Author

Sellers: Amazon

ADD TO: GoodReads


GoodReads Blurb:

I’ve been a Maricopa County Sheriff’s deputy for four years. Most folks don’t have a clue about what a cop deals with every day. Like a pack of attack chihuahuas, a monkey with a bad case of diarrhea, a hungry python, a Brahma bull named Bodacious and a six-foot iguana.

And that is just the critters. Now let me tell you about the two-legged varmints. Such as a three-hundred-pound biker who got a bit irate when I zapped him with a stun gun, or a murderous nun, and let’s not forget the senior citizens having an orgy. Ugh.

My personal life isn’t much better. Off duty I’m a ballroom dancer which everyone makes fun of. I love competitive dancing; I get to meet a lot of people who aren’t trying to kill me. Ok, there was one incident, but hey, shit happens. At a dance competition Detective Sergeant Dante Delgado waltzed into my life. My girly parts yelled yee-haw, he’s the one. Now, if I can only get him to do the tango with me.

Law enforcement isn’t for the fainthearted. Are you brave enough to enter my world?

Author’s note: I was a 9-1-1 dispatcher for way too many years and this novella contains some of the wilder incidents that occurred.


Sophia Rose's Review:

A day in the life of a sheriff’s deputy can be a killer.  The new Deputy Gemma Jones series starts off with a bam (from an old lady’s cane, don’t ask) and a bang (the ex wielding a sniper rifle, yeah, see earlier).  I just knew I’d have a good time with Gail Koger’s latest and it was even more fun than I anticipated.  Gemma Stone’s my new hero.


Gemma comes from a family of former military and law enforcement so it was no surprise that this tall, beautiful, capable gal turned out to be a deputy.  What her family and friends can’t figure out is why she dates a sniveling, griping loser who lays the guilt and snide remarks on thick.  Gemma’s let survivor’s guilt and a death bed promise coerce her, but not anymore and that’s when the bullet’s start to fly because Ichabod and his aunt, Sister Mary, are shady.


The tone of the book is light and fun with hijinks and police action.  A romance starts to blossom for Gemma in the background though it doesn’t fully develop in this first of the series.  Gemma and her bestie are patrol partners and the rest of her family including her SWAT team brothers and military consultant parents dive in to stop the trouble on Gemma’s tail.  I loved her connection with her friend and all the family togetherness including that crazy bull, Bodacious.


Stilettos and Sniper Rifles was quick and engaging to start the new series.  Lots of comedy and mayhem mixed with action and fun characters.  Gemma was a tough cookie who took a lot and kept getting back up to ‘serve and protect’.  I look forward to what comes next for Gemma and the gang and recommend it to those who want comedy with their police action.


Author’s Bio:

I was a 9-1-1 dispatcher for thirty-one years and to keep insanity at bay, I took up writing. Not to worry. The insanity isn’t catching – much. Other than the addiction to chocolate and the twitch in my left eye, I’m good. I’ve had my weird but true stories published in newspapers and magazines.


Sophia’s Bio:

Sophia is a quiet though curious gal who dabbles in cooking, book reviewing, piano-playing, and gardening. Road trips and campouts, museums and monuments, restaurants and theaters are her jam. Encouraged and supported by an incredible man and loving family. A Northern Californian transplant to the Great Lakes Region of the US. Lover of Jane Austen, Baseball, Cats, Scooby Doo, and Chocolate.

As a lifelong reader, it was inevitable that Sophia would discover book blogs and the joy of blog reviewing. Sophia is a prolific reader and audiobook listener which allows her to experience so many wonderful books, authors, and narrators. Few genres are outside her reading tastes, but her true love is fiction particularly history, mystery, sci-fi, and romance. Though, sorry, no horror or she will run like Shaggy and Scooby.






  1. Sounds like a hoot! Great review.

    Anne - Books of My Heart

  2. Light and hijinks sounds pretty fantastic

  3. That sounds great. My sister in law is a 911 operator and she has some stories too.

    1. People are crazy!! I saved all my wild stories and I'm using them in my books. Next up is SWAT for Dummies,

    2. You'd get a kick out of this then, Mary!

  4. I do like the sound of this, Hijinks? Yes! I like that it's only 133 pages. Easier to fit it in. Great review, Sophia!

  5. This sounds like such a fun read! Thanks for putting it on my radar!

    1. You betcha, Carole! And, some of the craziness isn't fictional, hehe!
