Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Sophia Rose Reviews - Hijinks, Hitchhikers and Mayhem by Gail Koger


Today on the blog Sophia Rose reviews the latest novel by Gail Koger, Hijinks, Hitchhikers and Mayhem.

Hijinks, Hitchhikers and Mayhem by Gail Koger

#15.6 Coletti Warlords

Sci-Fi Romance

Publisher:  Gail Koger

Published:  8.27.24

Pages:  129

Rating: 4 stars

Format: eARC

Source:  author

Sellers:  Amazon

ADD TO: GoodReads

GoodReads Synopsis:

After a yearlong separation from her soul mate, all Casey wanted was to have hot, mind-blowing sex with Hothar. That little fantasy went up in smoke when she’s stuck babysitting Aphrodite, a cowardly witch, who is the galaxy’s only hope of survival. To add to the fun, Casey has picked up an invisible hitchhiker who she named Hitch. Is he friend or foe?

Can a kickass psychic, an invisible hitchhiker, a deadly warlord and a cowardly witch stop the brain-eating aliens from destroying the galaxy? Only time will tell.

Author’s Note: This book was originally published in Pets in Space #8. It has been retitled, revised, and expanded.


Sophia Rose's Review:

A psychic human doing her part to save the galaxy has been impatiently waiting for the day she can reunite with the alien who captured her heart while they were both too young.  Working against those who would slaughter half the galaxy to rule all, they are finally getting their chance to be together working as partners.  However, the chance comes with an annoying ditzy witch who faints at the whiff of trouble.  The title of this one is certainly apt and I had a good time adventuring about the galaxy with Casey, her hitchhiker, a smoldering Coletti warlord, and a troublesome witch.


Hijinks, Hitchhikers, and Mayhem is part of the Coletti Warlords series and must be read following Hothar’s Folly and the novellas between so the situation and the surrounding cast of characters make sense.  Also, to remind about the author’s note in the blurb, this was original published in Pets in Space 8 as the shortened version, Cosmic Capers.


Casey has the psychic ability to telepath with other psychics and distinguish truth from lie including intentions so she’s a great asset in the war to protect earth and the free peoples of the galaxy.  Her family have always done their duty in the military and law enforcement so she’s been brought up to be a tough fighter in her own right.  Hothar might be one of the arrogant and fierce Coletti alpha males, but he has great respect for Casey’s ability as a worthy partner and I enjoyed seeing this in action.


Now, the hilarious inclusion to the story is the narcissistic witch, Aphrodite, who lands all of them in the soup ten times out of ten.  She has the ability to produce magic fire to kill off the mad scientist’s almost indestructible experiments that are sicced on people, but has no desire to help save lives or put herself in danger- she wants to be a dancer, thank you very much.  Usually, the alien pets are the scene stealers in this series, but not this time.  Casey had a run for her money with this mayhem creator.


I always fly through these books and end up impatiently waiting for the next release in this stellar and sexy sci-fi romantic comedy series.  Recommend for the light and humorous sci-fi romance lovers out there.



Author Bio:

I was a 9-1-1 dispatcher for thirty-one years and to keep insanity at bay, I took up writing. Not to worry. The insanity isn’t catching – much. Other than the addiction to chocolate and the twitch in my left eye, I’m good. I’ve had my weird but true stories published in newspapers and magazines.


Sophia’s Bio:

Sophia is a quiet though curious gal who dabbles in cooking, book reviewing, piano-playing, and gardening. Road trips and campouts, museums and monuments, restaurants and theaters are her jam. Encouraged and supported by an incredible man and loving family. A Northern Californian transplant to the Great Lakes Region of the US. Lover of Jane Austen, Baseball, Cats, Scooby Doo, and Chocolate.

As a lifelong reader, it was inevitable that Sophia would discover book blogs and the joy of blog reviewing. Sophia is a prolific reader and audiobook listener which allows her to experience so many wonderful books, authors, and narrators. Few genres are outside her reading tastes, but her true love is fiction particularly history, mystery, sci-fi, and romance. Though, sorry, no horror or she will run like Shaggy and Scooby.





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