Now for my interview
Friday, May 27, 2011
Interview with Tammy Snyder author of The Chimney Still Stands
Now for my interview
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Review of The Fifth Witness by Michael Connelly
Visit the author’s website here buy the book here
Friday, May 20, 2011
Review of Declaring Spinsterhood by debut author Jamie Lynn Braziel
Visit the author’s website here – buy the book here
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Review of Chasing Fire by Nora Roberts
Monday, May 16, 2011
Review of Blackberry Summer by RaeAnne Thayne
Riley McKnight, Hope’s Crossing Colorado’s new police chief has come back home after spending years undercover and seeing the worst of the worst he’s ready for something a little more kinder and gentler, but as he starts his new career in his hometown it’s a season of burglaries and vandalism and not everyone is glad to see him home, some residents have long memories of the reckless boy he was. Thrown together by a terrible tragedy Claire and Riley reconnect as friends, when sparks start to fly the only thing obvious to each of them is why this can’t work. But what if it can, what if all it takes is one “Blackberry Summer”.
She starts with an excellent plot, one of suspense, of tragedy and of hope, then she sweetens the pot with great flowing dialogue that will give vision to the tale and ignite further the readers need to keep turning pages. Then we get the icing on the cake which is her characters and not just the hero and heroine who we’ll examine in a moment, but all of the characters are important and each deserve their own story and it’s nice to know they’ll get it. The hero Riley is portrayed perfectly and her readers will see the reckless youth turned responsible lawman. And the heroine Claire who’s had her dreams come true and fall apart more than once and the audience will empathize and sympathize with her. The romance has a price and it’s up to the players if they’re willing to pay it, the price of giving up some of their independence, the sharing of their souls. The love scenes are without actual physical intimacy but with the promise of it to come, so it would offend no reader and yet those of us who look forward to sheet tearing will not be disappointed either.
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Review of Mind Games by Taylor Keating
Taylor Keating
Tor - Publish Date May 24, 2011
368 pages
ISBN 13: 978-0765365484
River escapes her video game nightmare against the Dark Lord and now she and Hawk (in Nick’s body) are on Terra Firma. She’s looking for answers, answers she needs for self preservation and who’s out to get her now. Hawk after being prisoner of the Dark Lord for how long he has no idea has “jumped” with River to her world and taken advantage of Nick’s death to take his body, a body that was once intimate with River and is giving Hawk a good amount of trouble both physically and mentally. They’re on the run for the murders of River’s tech gaming partners, always looking over their shoulders for the next catastrophe while racing the clock. Time is of the essence because they have no idea when Hawk will be pulled back to his world and they have only each other to trust.
Ladies, I can’t wait for round three, thank you for another must read.
Check out the author(s) website here
Buy the book here
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Review of The Darkest Secret by Gena Showalter
Haidee has lived many lives only to result in one thing, the destruction of the Lords, so to help in her quest she’s joined the hunters who’s job it is to rid the world of the Lords and their demons. She’s been captured, kept drugged and beaten by Strider who carries the demon defeat and is imprisoned in the Lords fortress in Budapest, she senses a familiar presence in need of her aid. What she discovers shocks and dismays her, but there’s no getting around the pull that this demon lord holds over her, the lust and deeper feelings he’s causing her to have, yes she’s dismayed because the pull she felt the presence she sought is none other than Amun keeper of secrets. No matter the feelings each evoke from the other they are sworn enemies and there’s nothing that could ever change that, or is there.
Visit the author’s website here
Buy the book here or here
Monday, May 9, 2011
Review of The Last of the Demon Slayers by Angie Fox
Last of the Demon Slayers
Angie Fox
Create Space
320 pages
ISBN 13:9781453888942
Last of the Demon Slayers is the 4th in Ms. Fox’s Demon Slayer series staring Lizzie Brown.
Vacations are great and Lizzie, the Red Skull Witches, her talking Jack Russell Pirate and their adopted dragon Flappy all lounged at the Greek Estate of her Griffin Shape Shifting boyfriend Dimitri, but now it’s life back in the fast lane so Harley’s to the highway, but when she gets a frantic call for help from her biological dad (who she’s never met), things go to Hades in a handbasket, literally.
Angie Fox first caught my attention because she’s a local author here in my home town of St. Louis Missouri and I always like to patronize locals so I bought her first book “The Accidental Demon Slayer” and I never stopped laughing unless I was holding my breath waiting for the next awful thing to happen to poor Lizzie and then when the dog starts to talk, well let’s just say it’s been a true love affair ever since. And in this her latest in the life and times of Lizzie Brown she won’t let you down either and although the plot is straight out of Grimm’s Fairy Tales for adults she leads us down the merry path believing every word, it’s like she puts a hex on us. Then there’s her dialogue, be prepared for full belly roll laughs when you get a load of what Pirate says, it’s almost like she can get inside the dog’s head and really listen to him, the rest of the narrative is easy to read everyday jargon. Her characters are the real stars of the show they each have their personalities and she spotlights each and every one. Her heroine Lizzie is a one of a kind character one you want to be like but knowing what she goes through everyday of her life don’t want anything to do with either. Yes this is a romance and it’s a doozie and the love scenes are hot and spicy when demon slayer meets griffin lip locked and raring to go and even though they’re enough to light your socks on fire I don’t think any true romance fan would find anything offensive.
If this is your first introduction to Lizzie, I know you’ll do yourself a favor and order the backlist and if you’re a true Lizzie fan well you’ll definitely get your money’s worth.
Visit the author’s website here
Buy the book here
Kudos Ms. Fox for one of the best paranormal series out there.

Thursday, May 5, 2011
Review of Eternal Rider by Larissa Ione

Eternal Rider
Larissa Ione
Grand Central Publishing
ISBN 13: 9780446574495
432 pages
Eternal Rider is the first novel of Ms. Ione’s new series Lords of Deliverance The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, it’s also a spinoff of her highly popular and explosive Demonica series so as you meet these new unbelievable characters you’ll also get to catch up on your old friends from Underworld General, if you’re new to the series have no fear you will not be in the dark for long because this exquisite storyteller will fill you in with no problems.
The human and demon world is on a crash course to Armegeddon and with one of the four horsemen already turned evil it’s up to the other three to prevent total annihilation of the world as we know it.
Ares has lived for more than four thousand years knowing that if the seal he wears breaks he will turn into War and Apocalypse will soon follow, he’s already lost one brother and now it’s up to him and his remaining two siblings to prevent the ultimate big bang.
Cara Thornhart’s life has been in upheaval ever since “the event” two years earlier but when an injured animal shows up at her defunct vet clinic she can’t turn him away but he’s way more than she’s bargained for and he leads her on a crash course to Ares and life as she knows it will be a thing of the past. When Cara and Ares meet it’s fireworks of an epic proportion, the question is will they survive the explosion.
Ms. Ione is a master storyteller and it becomes obvious on the first page as she baits her audience and keeps them on the line until they’re well and truly reeled in by the end of the novel. She gives us a bigger than life plot the biggest good vs evil yet filled with dialogue that will keep her readers turning pages faster than you can say God of War and with characters straight out of our fondest dreams and worst nightmares. She presents to us characters that will make us gasp, make us gag and keep us up nights. Her hero Ares and heroine Cara are two of the most haunted lovers you will ever have the pleasure of reading about. They will tug at your heartstrings as they stumble through relationship potholes that we mere mortals could only ever imagine on their way to that all important Happy Ever After. Will they make it, read on my friends for that’s for you to find out. The love scenes are exactly what you’d expect with an immortal, edgy, sensual, gritty and powerful, so if it’s cold outside you might want to open a window and if it’s hot for heaven’s sake turn down the air.
Be prepared to nail bite your way through this one, if you have a heart problem you might want to consult your doctor before reading. For the rest of you healthy human beings get ready for one heck of a ride.
Ms. Ione thank you for another start of a great series, my only disappointment is that I will have to wait just like the other mere mortals for the next instillation.
Visit the author’s website here
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Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Review of Operation Spank Me by Christina James

Operation Spank Me
Christina James
Scarlet Rose
ISBN13: 978-1601549172
268 pages
Deep in the special ops of the military Finn Coleman has no time or desire for a committed relationship but naughty cybersex with e-pen pal Emma is just what the doctor ordered. Small town Emma Shields has no idea what she’s getting into when she lets friends talk her into e-pen palling with mystery military man Finn Coleman the chatting takes on a definite X rating. Keeping her identity a secret she refuses sending a picture so when he shows up on her doorstep unannounced how will she receive him.
Christina James gives us the first of a new erotic romance series with Operation Spank Me, her plot could be from any town any where USA where a lonely GI is paired with a pen pal only this author takes it two steps further into the e-rom universe where the pen pals exchange more than just the weather, and she adds a storyline climax that has nothing to do with sex but will certainly make her readers breathe a little harder because of. Her dialogue is everyday easy to read chit-chat mixed with the directness and politeness you’d expect from an Officer in the Forces added to this is very explicit sexual desires and commands. Her characters are very well developed and I enjoyed meeting and getting to know them from all the small town folks to her hero and heroine. Speaking of her hero Finn and her heroine Emma I also liked them and the author does a good job of promoting their lust at first sight, sex at every possible moment, turns into love everlasting very convincingly. The romance is fast paced and the readers will be able to see when lust turns to love for both Finn and Emma. The love scenes are scorching hot, smoking sexy and might be offensive for readers not into explorative and inventive sex scenes.
Fans of e-rom and also those who like a huge dose of hot sex with their genre romance would enjoy this read, also fans of the more traditional romance between one man and one woman would also like this. Not sure if your a fan of e-rom but want to dip your feet, this would be the perfect test. The next in the series will be Operation Tempt Me, check out the author's website here to find out more.

Monday, May 2, 2011
Review of Outlaw by Angus Donald
Angus Donald
St. Martin’s Press
ISBN 13: 9780312678364
352 pages
It’s long been debated whether Robin Hood actually existed, in a 14th Century poem he makes an appearance and in the 15th Century he’s been mentioned in ballads but whether he’s fact or fiction doesn’t seem to lessen his popularity as he’s been immortalized in print, song, poem and in present times on film. One of the reasons he stays alive for us is because of the astute storytelling ability of some of his tale-tellers like for example this one.
In this fictionalized tale of Robin Hood we may find the most truthful version yet in Outlaw, the first in a new series by Angus Donald first published in the UK.
Between the years 1188 and 1189 is the timeline in this novel, Robin is the still the ultimate outlaw, he’s still madly in love with lady Marie-Anne and is public enemy number 1 with the Sheriff of Nottingham, we’ll find all the usual cohorts too including Tuck and Little John in addition to a few new names to add to the lore.
Angus Donald brings us his vision of the ultimate noir hero in “Outlaw”, book number one in the Legend of Robin Hood series. He gives us the bigger than life hero/villain but shows him in a more realistic light, emphasizing the cruelty and barbarism of the 12th Century in the guise of authority, he shows us the leftover paganism melded with the Christian world and he shows us beauty the likes of which may no longer exist in this world and in fact showing a more factual Robin Hood who would have lived, loved and thieved in England in the late 1100’s. The novel is narrated by Alan Dale, Robin’s troubadour who was taken under wing as a young teen after being caught stealing in Nottingham and saved from certain death by the Sheriff. The dialogue is conversational, interesting and descriptive, readers will be able to picture Alan as an old man recounting his tumultuous youth, writing down the good, the bad and the ugly in excerpts as he also lets us know what’s going on in his present. The characters in this adventure go above and beyond in their portrayals as we get legend, myth and history in one piece of work.
This is far from the Robin Hood of our youths on TV or in the movies, this is truly an adult story with explicit scenes of violence and sex, so keep that in mind as you choose where to store it and who to share it with.
If you like your folklore with a huge slice of realism packed with danger, adventure, drama and action, Angus Donald is your man. If you love historical fiction with a bite this is for you. If you like your myths and legends on the wild side, here you go.
To learn more about the upcoming novels visit the author’s website here
Buy the book here or here