Thursday, October 3, 2024

Sophia Rose Reviews - Nothing Less Than Magic by Stacy Finz


Today Sophia Rose shares her thoughts about Nothing Less Than Magic a cozy magical Halloween tale by Stacy Finz.

Nothing Less Than Magic by Stacy Finz

Magical Realism

Publisher:  Kensington

Published:  7.23.24

Pages: 323

Rating: 4 stars

Format: ARC

Source:  Kensington BTC Program

Sellers:  Amazon

ADD TO: GoodReads


GoodReads Synopsis:

When a popular marriage counselor’s own marriage falls apart, she’s forced to question her methods—and discovers the magical ingredient she’s been missing all along—in the dreamiest possible way . . .

Just one year ago, Chelsea Knight was living the life she’d always wanted. Marriage to the perfect guy, a thriving career, and a gorgeous condo overlooking San Francisco Bay. Then out of nowhere, her husband, Austin, left her. Ironic, because Chelsea fixes marriages for a living. In fact, she’s famous for her techniques. Naturally, she’s been using her expertise to win back her ex—and when he invites her for drinks, she’s sure her work has finally paid off. Until he announces he’s engaged.

Devastated, Chelsea seeks refuge in the beloved small-town lake cabin she and Austin now take turns using. When she arrives, the streets are dazzlingly decked out for Halloween, the autumn leaves are exceptionally vibrant, and the locals are especially warm and welcoming. It’s downright magical—and so is Knox Hart, a talented jack-of-all-trades who’s fixing her roof. Chelsea is instantly drawn to him—and to the simplicity of country life. Slowly, she becomes immersed in the townspeople’s problems and finds a sense of belonging—leading her to reevaluate her own path . . .

But something about the idyllic hamlet—and Knox—seems too good to be true. A trick more than a treat. And when she ultimately learns the truth, her heart is shattered. Miraculously, Austin is there to mend it. It’s everything she’d hoped for. Or is it? On the cusp of making all her dreams come true, Chelsea must find the strength to make an impossible choice . . .


Sophia Rose's Review:

Something magical happens when a relationship counselor guru’s husband leaves and she gets hit by a cable car.  Can a new lease on life give the second chance she never realize she needed?  Stacy Finz has long been on my list of authors to try and I was tickled to get this chance with her latest which seems to combine women’s fiction and magical realism for one enchanting story.


Nothing Less Than Magic turned out to be a beautiful and most apropos title when all is said and done with this story.  I’m not generally drawn to big city settings, big career characters, or characters in the process of separation, but with the right writing style and several other factors, I can be drawn in.  Those other factors?  The city being San Francisco splitting time with a small mountain town in the Sierra’s and the big career and new separation being part of a catalyst for change and growth.  And, the season is fall with fun autumnal and Halloween activities.


Confession time, I had the wrong impression when I first acquired this book and thought it was Southern fiction.  ???  Yeah, no!  All California and mostly picturesque Northern California for the most part.  And, not even close to the typical Southern fiction vibes.  The heroine, Chelsea, got into relationship counseling and it launched her into the career she has now as motivational speaker and online influencer as a local celeb who is growing her business even bigger meanwhile her own relationships are in shambles with ex-husband and estranged younger sister.  She was the type who went into psychology after experiencing a horrific inexplicable loss of both parents in her childhood and this shaped her as an adult.


Now, there is a huge shocker about two-thirds of the way through this book.  The author did a gutsy thing with this story and readers will either go with it and enjoy what comes or it will knock them right out of the book and not care for what comes in the last third of the book.  I don’t want to spoil the surprise, but just cautious future readers to be open to a huginormous toss up for Chelsea right when it seems all is falling into place for her.  Forewarned is forearmed and all that. 

In truth, there are hints along the way and I was one that paused and flipped back to early parts and realized I blew past the subtle hints.  It knocked me for a loop, but I was able to re-engage and appreciate what the author did.  Different, but a good read.


So, this one hit the emotions with Chelsea struggling even in middle life because she never dealt with her grief and issues from the way she lost her parents and her struggles with her relationships, but triumphant in the end as she did this very thing and had some deep and needed changes in her life.  Again, this is a blend of women’s fic and magical realism with strong romance involved.


Author Bio:

Stacy Finz is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of contemporary romance. After more than twenty years covering notorious serial killers, naked-tractor-driving farmers, fanatical foodies, aging rock stars and weird Western towns as a newspaper reporter, she figured she finally had enough material to launch a career writing fiction. She lives in Northern California with her husband.

Personal Trivia:

I only like corn when it’s still on the cob. Won’t eat it otherwise.

When I was 12, my family moved to a small almond farm in Northern California. My sister, brother and I had to ride the whole way from Southern California in the back of a truck with at least eleven goats. If that wasn’t insulting enough, our parents failed to tell us that our new home didn’t have indoor plumbing. That’s right, an outhouse!

My first paying newspaper job was at the Back Country Trader. When I quit, I left a not-so-nice note that contained the “F” word and tried to beat a hasty retreat. But my car wouldn’t start and I had to go back inside to use the phone. Awkward.

I won $200 on a penny slot machine in Reno.

When I lived in Quentin Tarantino’s old apartment in West Hollywood, George Clooney once parked in my space. This is not a lie.

I own fifteen pairs of cowboy boots.

Currently, I don’t have any pets.

I sort of have road-rage issues.


Sophia’s Bio:

Sophia is a quiet though curious gal who dabbles in cooking, book reviewing, piano-playing, and gardening. Road trips and campouts, museums and monuments, restaurants and theaters are her jam. Encouraged and supported by an incredible man and loving family. A Northern Californian transplant to the Great Lakes Region of the US. Lover of Jane Austen, Baseball, Cats, Scooby Doo, and Chocolate.

As a lifelong reader, it was inevitable that Sophia would discover book blogs and the joy of blog reviewing. Sophia is a prolific reader and audiobook listener which allows her to experience so many wonderful books, authors, and narrators. Few genres are outside her reading tastes, but her true love is fiction particularly history, mystery, sci-fi, and romance. Though, sorry, no horror or she will run like Shaggy and Scooby.






1 comment:

  1. Sounds like the setting is in my neck of the woods. I'm wondering about that huge turn about in plot!
