Thursday, December 15, 2016

Ho Ho Ho Giveaway - Guest Post - Caro Carson - A Cowboy's Wish Upon a Star

Welcome back to another post dedicated to Harlequin Holiday novels, today Caro Carson is up to bat with her Guest Post titled, The Best Day of the Year. She's also sponsoring a giveaway of her last two releases which happen to feature sisters, Her Texas Rescue Doctor and A Cowboy's Wish Upon a Star. Details below


From Hollywood… 

A cattle ranch is the perfect place for movie star Sophia Jackson to escape her scandalous past and the paparazzi hot on her trail. But foreman Travis Chalmers makes it clear who's running the ranch. When their constant clashing ignites unexpected attraction, Sophia takes on her greatest acting role: pretending she isn't falling for the sexy, domineering cowboy. 

…to Motherhood 

Once Travis sweeps her into his arms at her sister's wedding, she knows the feeling's mutual. But a precious secret followed Sophia to Texas. And now a Hollywood hurricane is about to blow through Travis's peaceful Texas town. Is the mother-to-be ready to fight for her future and see her most passionate Christmas wish granted—she and Travis vowing to love each other forever?

Caro's Website

Caro is offering Her Texas Rescue Doctor &
A Cowboy's Wish Upon A Star

as a giveaway
Please use Rafflecopter form to enter
Thanks Caro!

The Best Day of the Year
By Caro Carson

It’s the most wonderful time of the year…
I’ve always loved that Christmas carol. I know every note, as sung by Andy Williams on a vinyl Christmas album which was played in glorious stereophonic sound by my mother every December. And back then, December 25th was indeed the most wonderful day of them all.  New toys appeared under the Christmas tree, and then all my relatives arrived and brought more new toys.  There were pies and cookies, and we were encouraged to eat them all! Even as a teenager and young adult, I loved having the time off school, the freedom from homework—and all those pies and cookies.

Then, in the blink of an eye, I became the one who was married with children.  And because my kids were (are) adorable, the rest of the family wanted to come and see them experience all the magic of Santa Claus and new toys and pure bliss. I loved it, too, but Christmas Day now required detailed lists and planning in advance, then the orchestration of snacks, drinks, guests, and a feast on the big day. To be perfectly frank, Christmas joy began to be felt simultaneously with anxiousness to get things right, to check the clock and the oven, to manage children without naptime, to be sure there were enough soap and towels for company. And so, it started to dawn on me that December 25th was no longer my favorite day of the year.

But never fear. My most favorite day of the year simply moved over one block on the calendar. Now? I love December 26th. Truly, just writing that date makes me tingle with happy anticipation.  The cooking is done, and there are leftovers galore. I don’t have to even think about what to feed my kids or guests.  They can go to the fridge and get out the leftover turkey and pumpkin pie.  Heck, I can go to the fridge and eat my favorite food in the world: leftover stuffing, ice cold and straight from the Tupperware container! There are no gifts that need wrapped, but instead, there are new board games to play with the family. There is nothing to do with the decorations except look at how pretty they are.  That’s the key: on December 26th, there is nothing left to be done except kick back and relax.  We like to go to the stores, several generations of us, and restock our supplies for next year: did we use up all the gift tags? Could we use an extra string of lights next year? We have fun shopping just for fun (at half price, too), and then we come home and I eat more of that ice cold stuffing. No wonder December 26th is the most wonderful time of the year!  As Andy Williams sang, it’s the happ-happiest season of all!

Today's Gonereading item is:
Boxed Thoreau notecards
Click HERE for the buy page


  1. The day after is my favorite by far. Thanks.

    1. You, too, huh? The 26th is the best. :)

    2. I used to think that way too but now since there are no small children or any children for that fact around I like the actual day!

  2. OMG, this is so me. I have been doing the big Christmas Day Dinner EVENT forever! And I love it. I love having all the family crammed into my house. But yes, the day after is the best! The stress and rushing is over and I can relax. And this year, I am going on vacation the week after! So Dec. 26 will be even better! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

    1. Wow! I'm glad to hear you get a vacation after your vacation. Enjoy!

  3. I move forward to Christmas Day. I love everything about getting to Christmas, shopping for the gifts, decorating the house and Tree, baking, baking cookies all different kinds, being around family opening the gifts, nibbling on dips, cookies etc. and sitting down at the table for a big Christmas dinner.
    Donna Harris

    1. That sounds really fun, all of it. I think it's one of those signs that we're grown up when we start enjoying watching other people open their gifts as much as we enjoy opening our own gifts, isn't it? :)

    2. I enjoy giving to others and watch their expressions when they open the gift. I do enjoy receiving gifts, I cherish everything I get. Growing up we lived across the street from a florist, I would go up and help the grandpa watering, etc. the flowers. One time the grandpa gave me a ceramic lamb, blue, I still have it. I think I was around 6 years old when he gave it to me. Every time I dust it I think of him. I also called him grandpa, he was like my grandpa. I had one live grandpa and he lived far away in Tennessee, I live in Illinois so I didn't see him very often.
      Donna Harris

    3. oh Donna what a sweet memory to share. Thank you!

  4. I look forward to Christmas day. The hard work and craziness finally has a chance to pause, and we can really enjoy time with each other. Thanks for the chance to win!

  5. Loved your post Caro, and it's true. Though I don't have family in state but sometimes they do visit every now and then. Shopping the day after is fun! Happy Holidays ladies!

    1. Thanks for sharing Lorelei! Happy Holidays to you too!!
