Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Sophia Rose Reviews: Her Sisterly Love by Lucy Marin Narrated by Harry Frost


Today Sophia Rose reviews - Her Sisterly Love a historical romance by Lucy Marin

Her Sisterly Love by Lucy Marin
Narrated by Harry Frost
Historical Romance
Publisher:  Quills and Quartos
Published:  2.1.22
Time: 4 hours and 21 minutes
Rating: 4 stars
Narrator Rating: 5 stars
Format: audio
Source: Narrator
Narrated by Harry Frost
Historical Romance
Publisher:  Quills and Quartos
Published:  2.1.22
Time: 4 hours and 21 minutes
Rating: 4 stars
Narrator Rating: 5 stars

Format: audio

Source: Narrator

Sellers:  Amazon



GoodReads Blurb:
He could not deny that he loved her with the sort of feeling and certainty that novelists and romantics dreamt of - not that he had ever considered himself romantic.

At the tender age of 12, Elizabeth Bennet vowed to protect her younger sisters from her parents’ neglect, brought on by their increasingly combative marriage. Jane is her partner in this endeavour - until her attention is diverted by the arrival of a handsome new neighbor, Mr Bingley. With him is his friend, Mr. Darcy, who Elizabeth first dismisses as taciturn and rude. But as she gets to know him, other feelings arise - ones destined to end in heartbreak. because of her promise to remain with her sisters. 

Soon after arriving at Netherfield, Fitzwilliam Darcy finds himself intrigued by one of the local, young ladies. There is something about Elizabeth Bennet’s kindliness that draws him to her. And, as he learns more about her, his admiration grows. First determined to forget her, he soon wants more than anything to win her heart, and her hand in marriage. But, will the very thing that draws him to her be the thing that forever keeps them apart?


Sophia Rose's Review:

With parents only absorbed by their bitter recriminations and selfish personal comfort, the Bennet sisters have only each other.  Responsibility struck Elizabeth Bennet at an early age and it is her attention to her loving care and duty to her sisters that makes a man grow curious enough about her to disregard his adherence to family and class.  I was eager to listen in to this long-novella length gentle, low-angst Pride & Prejudice variation tale.


Her Sisterly Love portrays a reality that many people have been forced to face in their growing up years- domestic violence between parents that leads to residual violence, abuse, and neglect to the children.  Without getting gritty and graphic nor any on-scene abuse, the listener/reader is left in no doubt that it isn’t pretty in the Longbourn household.  In this case, both parents are going at it hammer and tongs verbal and physically abusing each other in regular fits of anger.


The character of Lizzy is something of a paragon, especially since she and Jane took the reins and educated their younger sisters in school subjects and decorum even as they had to be somewhat self-taught.  But, I’m fine with this to a certain extent in my fiction and especially since it adds an interesting set up to the story.  This does however, lessen the tension and angst to the story for all those who want more conflict and drama.


Darcy encounters Lizzy at a series of neighborhood social events.  He sees himself as above the neighborhood and the Bennets until he starts to observe Elizabeth and even gets a frank observation from her after she shows herself well against a lying charmer.  He is made to see himself through her eyes and he vows to do better.  Their romance is friendship and then love comes.  Sweet and swoony even through the final barrier to their romance.


Harry Frost delivered an excellent vocal performance and suited the story style and characters very well.


All in all, this was a delightful and swift listen that was gentle and comfy, low angst and engaging.  Sweet historical romance fans are the target audience.


Author Bio:

Lucy Marin developed a love for reading at a young age and whiled away many hours imagining how stories might continue or what would happen if there was a change in the circumstances faced by the protagonists. After reading her first Austen novel, a life-long ardent admiration was borne. Lucy was introduced to the world of Austen variations after stumbling across one at a used bookstore while on holiday in London. This led to the discovery of the online world of Jane Austen Fan Fiction and, soon after, she picked up her pen and began to transfer the stories in her head to paper.

Lucy lives in Toronto, Canada surrounded by hundreds of books and a loving family. She teaches environmental studies, loves animals and trees and exploring the world around her.


Sophia’s Bio:

Sophia is a quiet though curious gal who dabbles in cooking, book reviewing, piano-playing, and gardening. Road trips and campouts, museums and monuments, restaurants and theaters are her jam. Encouraged and supported by an incredible man and loving family. A Northern Californian transplant to the Great Lakes Region of the US. Lover of Jane Austen, Baseball, Cats, Scooby Doo, and Chocolate.

As a lifelong reader, it was inevitable that Sophia would discover book blogs and the joy of blog reviewing. Sophia is a prolific reader and audiobook listener which allows her to experience so many wonderful books, authors, and narrators. Few genres are outside her reading tastes, but her true love is fiction particularly history, mystery, sci-fi, and romance. Though, sorry, no horror or she will run like Shaggy and Scooby.






  1. I like all variations. 😀

    1. Same here and this is my third good outing with this author's works. Score!

  2. I like that it's a short audio. Something I can try without a huge time commitment. And that it's a P&P variation/retelling. I'll look into this one! :)
