Sunday, February 11, 2024

Just Checking in

It's been a rather whirlwind winter here, as some of you know my husband is disabled, he suffers from Parkinson's Disease, is a stroke survivor and has several other neurological medical issues. Mid December he came down with a virus and as his Parkinson's advances so do his symptoms and he becomes a handful when he's sick. Then last week he got sick again but this time I couldn't handle him myself and had to take him to the ER, they admitted him and he spent three days in the hospital with a UTI, slight dehydration and some mystery virus that the hospital couldn't name. The day after he came home the mystery virus showed itself as a bad rash on his torso, yes Shingles. Now we're both vaccinated but since he's immuno compromised he's only 50-60% protected.

He's getting better but with each illness he gets harder to handle and I just pray that I can keep him home as long as I can.

Unfortunately when the home fires are blazing out of control it's my reading and blogging that suffers.

So I just wanted to let you all know that I'm still here, stick with me and I'll be back up to speed  as soon as I can.

Take care

and you all stay well


  1. Sorry to hear that. This year is starting off tough for quite a few people.

    Shingles sucks. I had it just before my surgery a couple of years ago, in my nether regions, not fun.

  2. I'm sorry it's been a rough time. I hope things improve with a beautiful spring ahead.

    Anne - Books of My Heart

  3. I'm so sorry you and your husband are dealing with so much! That can't be easy on you! Sending positive thoughts your way!

  4. So sorry to hear. Your family is in my prayers.
