Monday, November 16, 2015

Interview-Review Paul Goat Allen - Rise of the Northmen Anthology

Today I'm so happy to welcome to the blog an old friend, fellow moderator from the B& book clubs, genre fiction book reviewer, author, poet. blogger and all around Renaissance Man, Paul Goat Allen. He's here today to tell us about his novella in the anthology, Rise of the Northmen.
Take it Paul!

Publisher:  Corvus Corax LLC
Release Date: 11-10-2015
Length: 2381 KB (274pp)
Buy It: Amazon/Kobo

Rise of the Northmen



  1. Enjoyed the interview. And loved Rise of the Northmen.

    1. Thanks Luanne, did you read his Christmas Nookies story?

  2. This sounds like it will be a fun anthology!

    1. Hey Ali Hi! well Paul's was fab and I can't wait to read the rest

  3. Just added it to my goodreads.... Disappointed that Woman by now should not be Closed to Male Author's Writing Romance/Erotica... In my world there are 2 people contributing to what happens in The Bedroom,Boardroom;) I Miss Our BN Terribly as Well... xxxx

  4. It is sadly true about men writing romance having a hard time proving they can. I am acquainted with two others and they write good stuff and they say the same thing.
    Enjoyed the interview! I love the idea of an anthology with that them for the stories. Definitely checking it out.

  5. Christmas nookie?? Bwahahaha!

    Yup, let's stop the book shaming. And I completely agree, a good story is a good story, the rest is just fringe. Also, male romance writers have a unique and interesting take on the genre. Personally, I like it better probably because it's a break from the usual. Maybe this also explains why I love Emma Chase's novels as it's written in the male POV

  6. Wonderful interview! I'm going to go order Paul's book as soon as I post this. Debbie, you asked a lot of great questions and it was fun reading Paul's responses. It's always fun to get the old gang together - or part of the old gang, anyway!

    1. Oh Becke who ever penned the phrase "those were the good old days" really knew what he was talking about right!\
      Good to see you!

  7. Aak! Paul, are these books only available as ebooks? I fried my Nook (don’t ask) and haven’t figured out how to get it working again. And I don’t own a Kindle. Any chance either or both of these books will be out in paperback at some point?

    1. Oh too bad Becke. I don't see it available in PB but many of the indy publishers offer print on demand for their titles. I'll ask Paul and I'll get back to you

    2. Becke—yes, it is only a digital release. Depending on how well this anthology sells, I think all of the authors involved in this project are open to doing another Viking erotica anthology. My story, for example, is really only the beginning of a much larger story arc, so.... maybe the next one will have a print edition! :)

  8. Thanks, Debbie! I have a ton of NookBooks I haven't read yet. I hope I can salvage my Nook at some point.

    1. Becke, PGA says this is a digital only release sorry :(

  9. *waves to Paul* Fantastic interview Debbie and go Paul. I laugh that you had to review using a pseudonym . I guess it is unfair that women assume men cannot write romance, particularly erotica. It makes me ponder how many books are actually written by men but published as a female author. Go Indie!! I totally agree that both traditional and indie produce both crap and quality. Congrats on the anthology.

    1. I know Kim I had that very same thought!
      thanks for commenting
