Wednesday, March 17, 2021

#GIVEAWAY Happy 11th Blogoversary to Me

Eleven years ago today I started The Reading Frenzy holy cow time flies when you're having fun. 

I'm not going to bore you with all the things I've posted over the years I'm just going to get to the present opening part of the party 

and tell you that as a thank you for all of your loyalty for these last 11 years I'm giving away an $11.00 Amazon Gift Card US ONLY

Here's to another 11 great years of blogging!

Good Luck!!

Please Note you must comment to be eligible for the contest
Thank You!


  1. Hapy Blogaversary :D
    Here is to many more!

  2. Eleven years Debbie, that is something to celebrate for sure. Let's celebrate what we can. I do hope that the summer will bring you lots of better things, and wishing you many happy morning walks and books.

  3. Wow, eleven years! Blogging years are like dog years so you've been at this a good long time. :) You're a wonderful book pal and I'm every so glad to have discovered your blog a few of those eleven years ago. Happy Blogoversary, Debbie!

  4. Congratulations!! I have been reading you a long time, maybe 8 yrs or so? Could it be a decade, time does fly?! I hope all is well and vaccines are obtainable soon, if not already!

    1. Yes holdenj you are a frequent visitor yes time does fly

  5. Hoppy Blogiversary, I Just recently found your blog!

  6. I found you about 6 months ago. Happy Blogiversary :)

  7. Happy 11th Blogoversary to you!!!
    Visiting for 2 years.
