It's usually a guest post or an interview and a review but today I'm happy to bring you all three from my Guest today Harlequin Presents author Jennifer Hayward. Enjoy our chat and her guest post and my review courtesy of RT Magazine of Changing Constantinou's Game.
- ISBN-13: 9780373132775
- Publisher: Harlequin
- Publication date: 8/19/2014
- Series: Harlequin Presents Series , #3271
- Format: Mass Market Paperback
- Pages: 192
Jennifer thanks for
visiting The Reading Frenzy, in reading your bio I see that your novel that
earned you HQN’s 2012 So You Think You
Can Write contest, The Divorce Party (which I LOVED) wasn't your first attempt
at being a novelist. You in fact wrote a novel at 19 but it was rejected.
What was the first novel about and have you considered re-writing it for publication?
What was the first novel about and have you considered re-writing it for publication?
So very excited to be here Debbie! And I’m so
thrilled you loved The Divorce Party! The book I submitted at nineteen was what
I thought was a stirring romance set in West End London which featured two
dancers in a production, inspired by Saturday Night Fever. You can imagine why
it was rejected! J I don’t think the storyline
worked for Presents, but I did reach a senior editor with it who liked my
writing. However, she suggested I work on another book for the line rather than
that manuscript. So I did, although it was many moons later that I had the life
experience to write a deeply emotional book that would work for Presents.
Jennifer once you get
to know me you’ll know that I think Harlequin makes the world go round. It’s
why I review two HQN series for RT magazine. I believe in the brand and want
the rest of the world to know the diverse world of Harlequin.
Why do you love Harlequin?
Why do you love Harlequin?
I’ve been reading Harlequin since I was
fourteen, hiding them with a flashlight under the covers from my sister’s eye J I loved many of the series, but particularly the glamorous,
exciting world of Harlequin Presents. I wanted my own alpha hero to sweep me
away from my teenage angst. But it didn’t end there. Many years later, working
a high pressure PR job with long hours, I came across a Sheikh book by Sandra
Marton, one of my all-time favourite Presents authors, and picked it up,
needing some R&R one night with a good book and a glass of wine. I
remembered then how much I loved those books, how they completely took me away
to another world. I needed that escapism. I think a lot of women need that
escapism as many of us try to be
Now tell us about
your 10yr old book club
They are ten of the most amazing, inspirational
women I’ve ever met. We all come from different backgrounds, we’ve all had
different life trials, but over the last ten years we have become so much more
than a book club, we have become the best of friends. The kind who would drop
everything if one of us called in tears. The third Wednesday of every month is
sacrosanct for us. Each month one of us hosts, cooks dinner (if we’re really
together we theme it) and chooses the book. Our tastes are very diverse so you
never know what you’re going to get, but in having it this way, I often read a
book I never would have on my own, and this is how I’ve found some of my
absolute favourites such as Bel Canto by American author Ann Patchett. One of
the girl’s nana recommended it. How cool is that? A universal favourite for
My husband calls it Wine Club and there could
also be some truth to this! :)
Guest Post - Changing Constantinou’s Game
What would you do if one life-changing event made you
realize you've been living your life on the sidelines? What if it changed
So thrilled to be here guest posting on The Reading Frenzy! People
often ask me where I get the ideas for my books, so I thought in this post I’d talk about how Alexios and Izzie’s
story (my hero and heroine in my new release, Changing Constantinou’s Game)
came about and why it’s such a special book for me.
The questions I included at the beginning of this post were
the seeds of inspiration in my head when I began creating Alex and Izzie’s
story. I often start brainstorming a book with questions – particularly ‘what
if’ questions. They enable me to think of unique storylines, and the more I
push myself the more compelling a storyline I come up with.
Here’s an example from a seemingly everyday occurrence and
what you can do with it by asking ‘what if’ questions: I’m sitting at a
restaurant and I see the couple beside me aren’t talking. Are they on a first
date? It is totally awkward? Or maybe they’ve been married for years and it’s
just that dull now? Or maybe they’re in a fight? The fight sounds more
interesting, but it’s still not compelling enough. So they’re fighting… why? Why
aren’t they not talking? You dig deeper. What if the hero has just found out
the heroine is moonlighting as an exotic dancer on Thursday nights because she
feels he doesn’t love her anymore? What if it’s her way of proving to herself
she’s attractive? What if it’s her way of making him pay? What if her husband
just found her dancing outfits in the truck of the car as he reached for an
umbrella to shield them from the rain on the way into the restaurant? What if
his silence is him trying to figure out what the hell is going on? Whether he
even knows who his wife is anymore? What if this is just the last straw in a
marriage that is so misunderstood neither of them have the energy to be in it
Now you have the genesis of an interesting story I’d say!
It’s a brainstorming technique that usually works for me. It’s particularly
great if I’m in the middle of a book and something isn’t working. I go back to
the ‘what ifs’ and I can usually find my way out. The more far-out, the more
creative the better. My editor can always pull me in and say I’ve gone too far,
but she can’t cure a boring book.
For Alex and Izzie, my inspiration began with a flight home
after a vacation where I sat beside a marine biologist from the Great Barrier
Reef. He was charming, very attractive and charismatic and we chatted most of the
flight. He was visiting my hometown and kept throwing hints my way I could show
him the sights. I was young and frankly a bit shy about taking an attractive, worldly
man I didn’t know sightseeing. My girlfriends have heard this story more times
than they’d like to count, but I thought of him as the ‘one that got away’ at
the time. The marine biologist was hero material all the way and I hated that I
didn’t have the guts to go for it and show him the town. And of course I
wondered, what if? What if I’d agreed
to show him around? Would I be living
on the Great Barrier Reef cooking fresh fish every night and writing
overlooking the water while my husband lectured at the local university? Would
our friends and us do bonfires on the beach? Would I have an Aussie accent? How
different would my life be?
Which is where Izzie comes in. With Izzie, I wanted to
create a heroine who comes across that charismatic, beautiful man in her
travels, is overwhelmed by his pure presence, but this heroine doesn’t shy away
from the opportunity. No – she sucks it up and does what many of us wish we
would have done. She goes for it!
To set the scene:
Driven, young Manhattan television reporter, Izzie Peters, is
on the verge of a career breakthrough. On her way back from a girls vacation in
Tuscany she gets a call from her boss offering her the chance-of-a-lifetime,
the opportunity to audition for an anchor job with NYC-TV. Having lived her life in the shadow of her
Hollywood mother and supermodel sister, this is the chance for the brainy, less
spectacular Peter’s daughter to prove she has what it takes to be in the
limelight. Getting back to Manhattan in time to make her interview is
paramount. But when her boss sends her
on a wild goose chase across London to flush out an interview target, the
billionaire is long gone. To make matters worse, elevator-phobe Izzie gets stuck
in an out-of-control lift with a man straight out of her fantasy playbook - charismatic,
stunning Alex Constantinou. And boy is she smitten.
When Izzie and Alex are rescued from their plunging
elevator, Izzie, who’s hit her head in the fall, misses her flight home and isn’t
allowed to be alone for twenty-four hours. Which necessitates her staying
overnight at Alex’s glamorous penthouse. Izzie, who’s always thought it was the
fifteen extra pounds she was carrying around that’s kept men from asking her
out, comes to a startling realization over dinner on the terrace. Alex is
attracted to her! Their chemistry is undeniable and the tension between them smolders
after their near-death experience.
Izzie starts to question everything. What if she’s been
living life all wrong? What if men haven’t been interested in her because she’s
been freezing them out, just like her friends have suggested? What if a man
like Alex is within her reach? She
decides she’s been living her life on the sidelines long enough. When one kiss
leads to the night of a lifetime Izzie will never forget, she vows no regrets. This
is the new Izzie after all. There’s only one problem – Alex is Greek billionaire Alexios Constantinou, the big interview
target her boss sent her chasing through London after and he thinks she’s lied
about her identity. Suddenly, her dream is about to fall apart at the seams and
her choices seem rash and destructive.
Will Izzie’s Carpe Diem moment backfire on her? Izzie’s
story is special to me because it’s about the choices we make and how they create
the fabric of our life. Her unusually rash decision to follow her heart that
night in London and live life for the moment has a huge fall out effect on her
career trajectory. It puts her in near impossible situations, tests her
character and forces her to grow. It makes her question everything she’s ever
believed about herself and success and learn who she truly is in the process. But
will she figure this all out in time to keep the love of her life in Alex or
will it be too late to redeem herself?
The ending to Changing Constantinou’s Game is one of my
favourites I’ve ever written, because I think what Izzie does for Alex is truly
heroic and shows just how far she’s grown. She’s that gutsy heroine I’ve always
wanted to be.
I hope you enjoy this scene from the night in London where Izzie decides to take her leap:
Izzie focused on forking the small
amount of food she thought she could consume into her mouth at the small
candlelit table Alex had set on the terrace. The herbed pasta was delicious,
but it was hard to eat when her heart was still pounding and her hands
trembling so much negotiating a fork seemed like a new and highly complex
activity. And why wouldn't it when she had literally jumped into the deep end
and invited the most spectacularly good looking man she'd ever met to kiss
her--and he had! Not to mention the fact that the kiss had been the most
incredible of her life and all she could think about was experiencing more of
the bone-meltingly delicious heat that had coursed through her veins. It was
like every nerve ending in her body had been switched on for the first time and
she wasn't sure whether to revel in it or be completely terrified of what she
was feeling.
She swallowed hard, forced down the food. The fact that she'd been right--that
Alex was attracted to her--made her head feel like it was going to blow
off. Maybe Jo was right. Maybe it had been her defensive attitude that
had turned men off in the past and not the fifteen extra pounds she'd been
carrying. Which had always been her excuse.
She took another sip of the rich, full Cabernet that was going a long way to
mellowing her out. But the wine didn't seem to be having the same effect on
Alex who'd glowered at her throughout the entire meal-as if she'd committed a
crime rather than simply kissed him.
She risked a quick glance at him. He was still watching her with that
same, implacable frown on his face, that penetrating blue gaze of his
impossible to read. And it occurred to her she hadn't fully thought through her
plan. She had the mind numbing confirmation he was attracted to her...the
question now was what was she going to do about it?
Her heart pounding in her chest, she set her fork down with an abrupt movement,
and the sound of metal clattering against fine china echoed in the still night
He gave her half-empty plate a narrowed glance. "That's all you're going
to eat?"
"It was delicious, thank you. I think that's about all I can handle.'
"All right." He laid his fork down with a deliberate movement and
pushed his plate away. "Let's talk about what happened."
Gladly. She took another sip of her wine to fortify herself and
set the glass down.
"That kiss shouldn't have happened."
She was ready for that one. "Why not?
"I'm much more experienced than you, Isabel. I'm not interested in
relationships, in fact mine never last longer than a few months, and the women
I date are well aware of that."
He did a double take at the belligerent note in her voice. "You're also
probably still in shock from what happened today."
"I'm absolutely fine," she countered. "In fact I feel like
I have more clarity right now than I've ever had in my life."
He sat back in his chair, his gaze on her face. "What kind of
She twisted the stem of her wine glass on the table, watching the blood red
liquid shimmer in the candlelight. "That was my worst fear today. Facing
it-getting through it-" she paused, looking up at him, "--it's made
me realize how much of my life I've lived in many times I've not
gone after what I wanted because I was afraid I wouldn't get it or it would
explode in my face."
He gave a wary nod. "That's a good realization."
She shook her head. "I'm not looking for a relationship, Alex."
A husky laugh escaped her. "In fact, that's the last thing I need
right now."
His eyes narrowed. "Then what are you looking for?"
"I don't want to live with any more regrets."
He shook his head, a wry smile curving his lips. "You're twenty-five,
Isabel. How many regrets can you have?"
She took a deep breath, meeting his gaze head-on. "I will regret it if I
walk away from tonight without exploring the attraction that's between
A muscle jumped in his jaw. He sat there completely silent, staring at
her. "I'm not sure you know what you're doing."
She shook her head. "I know exactly what I'm doing."
A long moment passed, it might have been four, five seconds, she wasn't sure.
All she knew was that she was holding her breath, sure at one point he was
going to reject her. The warm night air pressed so heavily against her lungs
she thought they would burst. And then something shifted, morphed on the
air between them. And she got her answer in the darkening of his eyes.
Izzie focused on forking the small
amount of food she thought she could consume into her mouth at the small
candlelit table Alex had set on the terrace. The herbed pasta was delicious,
but it was hard to eat when her heart was still pounding and her hands
trembling so much negotiating a fork seemed like a new and highly complex
activity. And why wouldn't it when she had literally jumped into the deep end
and invited the most spectacularly good looking man she'd ever met to kiss
her--and he had! Not to mention the fact that the kiss had been the most
incredible of her life and all she could think about was experiencing more of
the bone-meltingly delicious heat that had coursed through her veins. It was
like every nerve ending in her body had been switched on for the first time and
she wasn't sure whether to revel in it or be completely terrified of what she
was feeling.
She swallowed hard, forced down the food. The fact that she'd been right--that Alex was attracted to her--made her head feel like it was going to blow off. Maybe Jo was right. Maybe it had been her defensive attitude that had turned men off in the past and not the fifteen extra pounds she'd been carrying. Which had always been her excuse.
She took another sip of the rich, full Cabernet that was going a long way to mellowing her out. But the wine didn't seem to be having the same effect on Alex who'd glowered at her throughout the entire meal-as if she'd committed a crime rather than simply kissed him.
She risked a quick glance at him. He was still watching her with that same, implacable frown on his face, that penetrating blue gaze of his impossible to read. And it occurred to her she hadn't fully thought through her plan. She had the mind numbing confirmation he was attracted to her...the question now was what was she going to do about it?
Her heart pounding in her chest, she set her fork down with an abrupt movement, and the sound of metal clattering against fine china echoed in the still night air.
He gave her half-empty plate a narrowed glance. "That's all you're going to eat?"
"It was delicious, thank you. I think that's about all I can handle.'
"All right." He laid his fork down with a deliberate movement and pushed his plate away. "Let's talk about what happened."
Gladly. She took another sip of her wine to fortify herself and set the glass down.
"That kiss shouldn't have happened."
She was ready for that one. "Why not?
"I'm much more experienced than you, Isabel. I'm not interested in relationships, in fact mine never last longer than a few months, and the women I date are well aware of that."
He did a double take at the belligerent note in her voice. "You're also probably still in shock from what happened today."
"I'm absolutely fine," she countered. "In fact I feel like I have more clarity right now than I've ever had in my life."
He sat back in his chair, his gaze on her face. "What kind of clarity?"
She twisted the stem of her wine glass on the table, watching the blood red liquid shimmer in the candlelight. "That was my worst fear today. Facing it-getting through it-" she paused, looking up at him, "--it's made me realize how much of my life I've lived in many times I've not gone after what I wanted because I was afraid I wouldn't get it or it would explode in my face."
He gave a wary nod. "That's a good realization."
She shook her head. "I'm not looking for a relationship, Alex." A husky laugh escaped her. "In fact, that's the last thing I need right now."
His eyes narrowed. "Then what are you looking for?"
"I don't want to live with any more regrets."
He shook his head, a wry smile curving his lips. "You're twenty-five, Isabel. How many regrets can you have?"
She took a deep breath, meeting his gaze head-on. "I will regret it if I walk away from tonight without exploring the attraction that's between us."
A muscle jumped in his jaw. He sat there completely silent, staring at her. "I'm not sure you know what you're doing."
She shook her head. "I know exactly what I'm doing."
A long moment passed, it might have been four, five seconds, she wasn't sure. All she knew was that she was holding her breath, sure at one point he was going to reject her. The warm night air pressed so heavily against her lungs she thought they would burst. And then something shifted, morphed on the air between them. And she got her answer in the darkening of his eyes.
She swallowed hard, forced down the food. The fact that she'd been right--that Alex was attracted to her--made her head feel like it was going to blow off. Maybe Jo was right. Maybe it had been her defensive attitude that had turned men off in the past and not the fifteen extra pounds she'd been carrying. Which had always been her excuse.
She took another sip of the rich, full Cabernet that was going a long way to mellowing her out. But the wine didn't seem to be having the same effect on Alex who'd glowered at her throughout the entire meal-as if she'd committed a crime rather than simply kissed him.
She risked a quick glance at him. He was still watching her with that same, implacable frown on his face, that penetrating blue gaze of his impossible to read. And it occurred to her she hadn't fully thought through her plan. She had the mind numbing confirmation he was attracted to her...the question now was what was she going to do about it?
Her heart pounding in her chest, she set her fork down with an abrupt movement, and the sound of metal clattering against fine china echoed in the still night air.
He gave her half-empty plate a narrowed glance. "That's all you're going to eat?"
"It was delicious, thank you. I think that's about all I can handle.'
"All right." He laid his fork down with a deliberate movement and pushed his plate away. "Let's talk about what happened."
Gladly. She took another sip of her wine to fortify herself and set the glass down.
"That kiss shouldn't have happened."
She was ready for that one. "Why not?
"I'm much more experienced than you, Isabel. I'm not interested in relationships, in fact mine never last longer than a few months, and the women I date are well aware of that."
He did a double take at the belligerent note in her voice. "You're also probably still in shock from what happened today."
"I'm absolutely fine," she countered. "In fact I feel like I have more clarity right now than I've ever had in my life."
He sat back in his chair, his gaze on her face. "What kind of clarity?"
She twisted the stem of her wine glass on the table, watching the blood red liquid shimmer in the candlelight. "That was my worst fear today. Facing it-getting through it-" she paused, looking up at him, "--it's made me realize how much of my life I've lived in many times I've not gone after what I wanted because I was afraid I wouldn't get it or it would explode in my face."
He gave a wary nod. "That's a good realization."
She shook her head. "I'm not looking for a relationship, Alex." A husky laugh escaped her. "In fact, that's the last thing I need right now."
His eyes narrowed. "Then what are you looking for?"
"I don't want to live with any more regrets."
He shook his head, a wry smile curving his lips. "You're twenty-five, Isabel. How many regrets can you have?"
She took a deep breath, meeting his gaze head-on. "I will regret it if I walk away from tonight without exploring the attraction that's between us."
A muscle jumped in his jaw. He sat there completely silent, staring at her. "I'm not sure you know what you're doing."
She shook her head. "I know exactly what I'm doing."
A long moment passed, it might have been four, five seconds, she wasn't sure. All she knew was that she was holding her breath, sure at one point he was going to reject her. The warm night air pressed so heavily against her lungs she thought they would burst. And then something shifted, morphed on the air between them. And she got her answer in the darkening of his eyes.
JENNIFER HAYWARD has been a fan of
romance since filching her sister’s novels to escape her teenaged angst. Her
career in journalism and PR, including years of working alongside powerful,
charismatic CEOs and traveling the world, has provided perfect fodder for the
fast-paced, sexy stories she likes to write, always with a touch of humour. You
can find out more about Jennifer and her books at her website.
My Review courtesy RT Magazine

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I love that the author got the idea for this story with a simple question and it exploded from there!
ReplyDeleteHi Kindlemom, yes it's always fun to hear where novel ideas come from.
Deletethanks for commenting
So excited to read this - hot characters!
ReplyDeleteKat, Hi I hope you love it like I did. Come back and let us know!
DeleteHi Kindlemom! Yes it's funny where ideas come from, but they can be from the smallest thing. I was thinking today about that woman in Alabama who caught the 1000 pound alligator. What a heroine she would make! :) Thanks for dropping by!
ReplyDeleteReally hope you enjoy it Kat! So glad you stopped by!
ReplyDeleteHi Jen thanks for stopping by!! And Thanks for your wonderful guest post!
It's so cool to be here Debbie! Really love your blog :)
DeleteOH that sounds fun Debbie! I love ones that have elevator mishaps. Totally freaks me out but can be so so good too!
ReplyDeleteOh Anna it was a great scene ;)
DeleteI hope you enjoy it if you read it Anna! I even interviewed an elevator technician to make sure it was absolutely authentic terror ;)
DeleteI love the realism in Jennifer's stories. Real life characters with real life relationship issues. Never a dull read, always hold my interest. Changing Constantino's Game was a fun read. Despite their great physical attraction would Izzie and Alex have the honesty, courage, compassion and integrity needed to see them through their trials, I wondered. A good read!
ReplyDeleteAlice, those are some great comments. Thanks for them and for stopping by too!
DeleteAww thank you Alice! That is so lovely of you. I'm so glad you enjoyed the book!
DeleteFirst the book sounds yummy and I want to join Wine Club!
ReplyDeleteI know Kim right!
DeleteThanks for visiting!
You do Kim, you really do! :) And thank you! Hope you enjoy the book if you do get to read. Thanks for stopping by!