Friday, May 10, 2019

Nay-cation part 3 or A strange thing happened on my way to a bar

Welcome to naycation part three where I tell how i met my hubby. 

First some more naycation pics

This is our resort viewed from the Gulf

The harborwalk is on the very tip of Destin, a private area of
hotels, resorts, restaurants, shops and marinas

 This is how hubs was going to enjoy a day of fun, sun and sand
looks like fun right!

So 41 years ago I was a manager of three ladies ready wear mall chain stores called Alberts, part of the once ginormous Interco (International Shoe Company) and I had just learned my boss aka the maniac had just assigned another underperforming store to me (thank you very much). So I decided to drown my sorrows. Now I was never much of a drinker and not a bar hopper so I didn't really know where to go, do you go to some glitzy place or do you simply belly up to the bar in some local establishment. Yeah that is more my style. So I picked out a bar and belleyed up to it, ordered a Bloody Mary and sipped while stewing not noticing the super suavy slicked back bucko making my way. I was on the end so moving down was not an option so I let him slip in next to me and buy me a round.
He's divorced, I never married, he's 35, I'm 24, it'll never work but it might be fun for a few dates and besides I'll be too busy to date when the maniac redoes my work schedule.
So that 1/2 date lasted until they threw us out, I'd been sipping water for the last two hours and we ended up chatting in the parking lot until the weeeeeee hours. I gave him my number (the real one) and he said he'd call and just when I was about to give up waiting he did.
And the rest is history!

This is a pic of me and hubs from a few years ago

Lastly we would have said our goodbyes 
to Destin with a night out on the town
Like maybe Dewey Destin Harborside

Where the daily catch is right outside the door!


Nice naycation 😉

Stay tuned to be continued in August 🤞


  1. Debbie this is as good as any romance book meet up ever. Real life is the best. Ah so sorry about the naycation.

  2. Meant to be! I mean that bar, that time :D Awwww

  3. I'm so bummed you couldn't go, but my heart went pitter-pat over your first meet up. Talk about good fortune coming from the bad. You guys look great in your picture. :)

  4. Aww, I love your story, and as they say the rest was history :)

    1. yes and hopefully we can rewrite it in August with a happy ending :)

  5. I love the picture of you guys. It's nice to put a face to the blog too. Love the story.

  6. Wow, the resort is absolutely gorgeous Debbie! I love the beach too. I'm glad that you and your hubby were able to enjoy it! I love the story about how you and your husband met and fell in love.

    Lindy@ A Bookish Escape

    1. Thanks Lindy, but we didn't get to go LOL you had to read the other two naycation posts to understand
