Monday, May 27, 2013

Thank You Lisa Verge Higgins and to the participants for this wonderful debut book club read

Lisa thank you from the bottom of my very appreciative heart for the honor you bestowed on all of us this month while we read and discussed your wonderful novel.
You graciously and without blinking your eye said yes to this debut book club read and I'm forever in your debt because it was a huge success!   

Now for my readers and participants, thank you, thank you a thousand times thank you because without your input, comments and participation Lisa's and my efforts would have been for naught. So thank you for stepping over that comfort line and being the giving and wonderful people you are.
As always you've made this re-read for me so much more than it ever could be from just my point of view, you as always give me different perspectives and different understandings of the same words we all read together yet perceived differently.

My hat's off to you all!!!               

And don't forget you still have a few days to enter the Nook Giveaway graciously offered by Lisa

My thanks to you all and I hope you'll be back for the next round


  1. Thank you SO MUCH Lisa! I'm sorry I missed the end of the discussion - we didn't bring laptops with us on vacation (to avoid the 'working vacation' syndrome...) and connecting to the internet wasn't always easy. A good thing and a bad thing. Anyway, I fully enjoyed this book, and the ending was so satisfying. And again, your participation means a lot to the discussion. I'll be looking for your next one!

    1. Elaine Thank you so much for your comments here and during the read they mean a great deal to me.

      I would also love to hear your and everyone's opinion on how to improve the discussion on this venue I welcome any and all suggestions


  2. Deb, I really don't know what you could do to improve it - I think it went quite smoothly. The discussion has a slightly different 'feel' than the old Barnes and Noble book club but I'm not sure why. And the discussion is a teeny bit trickier to find - an extra click on 'comments'. When I'm scrolling through your blog to find the latest discussion, it's easy for me to miss it because I'm not used to having to go to the comments section. It's my problem, not yours, just a little learning curve here. Anyway, thanks for having the continued book club, I always enjoy it!

    1. Thanks Elaine. I'm glad and hope to see you here next month

  3. Debbie--

    I may have missed the last weeks' comments--I spent Memorial Day weekend FREEZING in Ithaca, New York while my oldest daughter graduated from college. Hubby kept slapping the smartphone out of my hands (though if you're all on Facebook with me, you'll see that I at least kept posting there!)

    I'd like to add my thanks to the chorus! Debbie, this was a lot of fun, and a very successful debut! Listening to you guys talk about my book is like watching the story graduate -- I'm proud and weepy and at the same time, I see that the story has gone out into the world on its own, affecting people in all kinds of different and unexpected ways....

    Thanks, too, to all the participants--the voluble ones and the ones who were here before and the silent ones, too! I've had a lot of shares on Pinterest lately and I suspect they were from folks who were quietly following the discussions, maybe too shy or too busy to post. [Or maybe they just like the board "I really am a happily married woman ...." ;) ] I invite you all to join my on my Facebook page to continue this and other discussions: I do my best to entertain you all with the foibles of my family life...some of which end up in fiction.

    So, Aloha, Sayonara, Ciao!! I wish for you all the best of happy endings...


    1. Lisa, thank you for the kind words. Congrats on your daughter graduating and yes I've been keeping up on FB, the rest of you should connect there with Lisa her posts are fabulous, funny and educational too.
      Lisa please know you're forever welcome here to tout a new novel, check up on the gang or just to hang out.

    2. Oh, Debbie and Lisa, You made the reading experience just great! I loved sharing my thoughts and reading everyone's comments and different perspectives. Thank you also for understanding my circumstances, and I tell you it was inspiring and you kept me going with your feedback. I'm so glad I got to finish it! WooHoo! This little tortoise did beat the hare ;) (the hare being the clock)
      I look forward to joining other discussions here at your Bookclub, I'll help spread the word! xoxo

    3. HI Lorelei, Thank You! I'm all about my old friends chatting and discussing the novel but it's the new blood I get goose bumps about, those of you who take a chance on something new and different. I'm glad you finished your insights were great. I hope you do join us again I'll keep you all posted as to what the reading schedules are and who's in and who's out. Next month is all in the bag.
      Hopefully in July I'll be hosting an Edgar Winner for 2013 winner of the best original paperback "The Last Policeman" and Ben Winters will hopefully still want to join in.
      Thanks again chat w/you soon

    4. Lisa,
      How funny, we were freezing our butts off at our daughter's college graduation in Northampton, Massachusetts two weekends ago, and still freezing last week in NYC. Congratulations, and thanks again for your participation!

  4. Lisa, thank you for another wonderful read about friendship. I wore my pink hat from PCMF again yesterday, thought about all your characters, and was reminded, too, of the wonderful friendships I have with women who are so very similar to the characters in your books--or maybe it is your characters who are similar to my friends ;-). And, Debbie, thank you MUCH for choosing this book and giving us participants a comfortable, encouraging place to talk. I'm looking forward to future talks among friends.

    1. Hi Edie, I'm so glad I reached out to you It really was old home month wasn't it :)
      It was so good to have you here!!!

  5. Lisa, thanks so much for being with us this month. I loved reading all your comments, especially where you thought all the women were in five years. Your book has become another favorite of mine and I can't wait to read more from you. Debbie, thanks for continuing the book club. I love discussing books and I always have a great time chatting with everyone here. I've already started the book for June, so I'll see you again soon!


    1. Well my dear you've made my day! In fact everyone returning did.
      Sometimes the challenge is to let things go if they're not working and you've all just proved to me that this still works, still fill something for you all.
