Monday, December 9, 2019

International #GIVEAWAY #HoHoHoHarlequinHolidayExtravaganza Laurel Greer

Welcome to week 2 of the holiday blog bash, today I'm featuring a new to me Special Edition author that I can't wait to read in the new year, Laurel Greer. Laurel is sharing some of her holiday traditions and she's offering a fantastic giveaway. Details below.
Ho Ho Ho!

Giveaway is for one
$10 Amazon Gift Card

Open US/Can/UK & Australia
Please Use Rafflecopter form to enter
Ho Ho Ho!

A few of Laurel's favorite things!

One of the best parts of writing small-town romance is getting to dive into community, nostalgia, and traditions. I think this is why we love holiday romances so much—they tap into everything we adore about romance (the power of hope and love) and wrap it up in all of the joy (and drama!) of the holidays. In Holiday by Candlelight, Caleb and Garnet fall in love in December, while planning a workplace holiday party and sharing Hanukkah, Christmas, and New Year’s Eve with each other. 

With traditions in mind, I thought it would be fun to share a couple of recipes with you that play on the themes of the book. The first is eggnog pie, which Garnet makes for Christmas. It comes from my granny’s old, falling-apart cookbook, and it’s definitely on my to-bake list this year. A Hanukkah recipe that I want to try my hand at soon is sufganiyot, Caleb’s favorite jelly donuts. But I didn’t want to spring a recipe on you untested, so instead, here’s a tried-and-true recipe for latkes that’s delicious. It comes from my friend’s mom (her pro tip - be sure to squeeze all the water out of the shredded potatoes.) I live for the annual chance to bury my face in a plate of them. I can never decide if I like them better with sour cream or applesauce, so I alternate… If you make them, let me know what condiment you settle on.

I hope you have a peaceful, loving holiday filled with people you love and traditions that fill your heart and soul, and that amidst the busyness, you have ample time to curl up with something delicious to eat and a book to read. Happy Hanukkah, Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year!

Holiday by Candlelight
by Laurel Greer
Miniseries: Sutter Creek, Montana

A tragic accident ended the life he once knew

Is a Hanukkah miracle right around the corner?

This year, Dr. Caleb Matsuda could do without holiday cheer. After an avalanche robbed him of his ability to practice surgery, he struggles to make it through each day. He may be intrigued by new colleague Garnet James, but she’s also a search-and-rescue volunteer who could be in danger at any moment. If only she wasn’t perfect for the man he used to be…

Visit Laurel's website

About Laurel:
Born and raised in a small Vancouver Island town, Laurel picked up her pen to write Julie Garwood fan-fiction during junior high English class. She hasn't put it down since. Ever committed to the proper placement of the Canadian "eh," she loves to write books with snapping sexual tension and second chances. She lives outside Vancouver with her law-talking husband and two daughters. At least half her diet is made up of tea. Find her at


  1. Those are all the reasons I love reading about small towns as well! Thanks so much for the giveaways!!

  2. This sounds like such a sweet story! Thanks for the giveaway as well! DamianMom at yahoo dot com

    1. It really does I just love stories like this. Good luck msmissy

  3. Thanks for this giveaway and have a great holiday season.

  4. I've never had eggnog pie, I must try it!

  5. Love the story premise, I'd happily read it and I think yes, combining romance (hope and Love) with the Christmas season is a great combination.

  6. Ohoho nice festive blog. Nice feature.

  7. I will try to make the velvet chocolate pie this xmas

  8. I love collecting yummy recipes for the holiday! Thanks for sharing Debbie :)

  9. Thanks for sharing the recipes, my neighbor makes wonderful potato latkes.

  10. Hey... a gift card! My mail delivery person is always someone I gather a gift for during the holiday season. This would be a great one to give!

  11. Very true about the appeal of the holiday element in the small town romances. I do love them. And, Latkes! Yummo!

  12. I like the different recipes.
    Holiday by Candlelight looks very interesting.

  13. Love Romance and Christmas, it seems like a great combonation
