Thursday, April 4, 2024

A New Road


It's been a challenging winter for my family and I. Ever since developing Shingles in early February my husband's health has been declining. He was admitted to the hospital on March 17th and was put through a barrage of tests and studies, long story short after a 10 day stay it was determined that he had advanced Parkinson's dementia and he was sent home on Hospice care.

So now it's all about him

My Hospice team is wonderful and I get support from nurses, aides, social workers and even a Chaplain to help me understand and accept this new road I'm on. Letting go of my insistences of making him eat every meal, take every vitamin that may help symptoms etc...

But mostly it's been hard letting go, knowing that soon I'll be on my own without my partner in crime of 46 years.

My blogging took a hit because I just didn't have the energy and I spent all those days in the hospital at his side 24/7. But I'm ready to come back to me a bit and do the things that make me happy too.

I know some of you who are my friends on social media already know this but I also just wanted to touch those of you who aren't to let you know that no I did not drop off the face of the earth.

Prayers and thoughts for the kids and I are absolutely welcome.

I'll start blogging again come Monday

Love you all!


  1. I wish you to have the best support and care for both of you.

    Anne - Books of My Heart

  2. I had seen your news but still Debbie just want to let you know I am thinking and praying for you all. It is a very tough time for you, wow 46 years that's a long time. Take care, sending much love.

  3. You are an incredible woman and your courage puts me in awe. You have definitely had my thoughts and prayers.

    Hugs, my book pal!

  4. WOW. I am so sorry you and your family are going through this. I am sending love and prayers your way.

  5. Thanks Blodeuedd I am taking all the help I'm offered
