First Welcome Larissa Ione who's releasing book two of Her Lords of Deliverance series
Larissa, thank you for stopping by and answering a few questions.
Larissa also writes under the pseudonym of Syndey Croft she is a paranormal romance author of several series.
Thanks so much for having me! It's an honor to be here.
There will definitely only be four books, but I plan a book for Reaver, which will grow out of the fourth book. I'm not sure if Reaver's book will stand alone or start a new series. In any case, it'll definitely be a Demonica/Lords of Deliverance blend.
I’m a big fan of both your series written under Larissa Ione, is there any more novels planned for the Demonica series.
I'm so glad you're enjoying the series! And to answer your question...well, sort of. See, the Demonica series and the Lords of Deliverance series are so intertwined, that pretty much anywhere I go from here will belong to the Demonica world. As I said above, I do plan a book for Reaver, and I'd love to do one for Tavin as well as several other characters who play roles in both series. I've also been toying with writing books for the Seminus kids when they grow up, but I have to get a few other books written first, partly to give the kids time to mature in my head!
Paranormal, definitely. I love to create worlds and go really over the top when it comes to the denizens of those worlds. I tend to write dark and gritty, and for me, the paranormal genre just works for my voice and style.
Will there be any B&N book signings anywhere?
I don't have any scheduled -- I tend to do drive-bys more than scheduled signings. I hit the Barnes and Noble in Green Bay, WI every time I go there, and I plan to sign some books at that location on the 3rd of December. I'm hoping to get to the Madison, WI store over Christmas, as well.
Good Luck with the book and in the future.
Thank you! And thanks again for having me!
Click the Link to check out all of her novels
Now Please welcome Diane Chamberlain who's Re-Releasing a novel from the early 2000's
Diane thank you for taking the time to tell us a little about your novel, I have had the pleasure of reading The Midwife’s Confession and I’m looking forward to this one too.
I’m so glad you enjoyed The Midwife’s Confession and thank you for inviting me to chat about Kiss River.
Is Kiss River a love story, tell us just a little about it.
Kiss River is part love story, part mystery and 100% family drama. Set in North Carolina’s Outer Banks, it’s about a young woman, Gina, who sees only one way to save the life of the daughter she’s about to adopt: she needs to raise the lens of the Kiss River lighthouse from the bottom of the ocean where it was tossed during a storm. But the people of the Kiss River have their own reasons for keeping the lens right where it is. Armed with an old diary and its secrets, Gina fights to change their minds.
There are many of your works you could have re-released, was there something special about this one, will there be more re-releases coming.
Kiss River is only one of several of my books my publisher has re-released, and I’m thrilled to see those books get a second life. Keeper of the Light, for example, was re-released this past April and involves some of the Kiss River characters at a much younger age. Even though the stories may not be updated, the beautiful new covers and the trade paperback size give them a fresh new look. It’s been wonderful to have these stories available once again for my readers.
Do you have any booksignings at B&N I’m sure some of us would love to meet you in person.
I love speaking and signing at Barnes and Noble and my experiences in the B&N stores has been very positive. I look forward to doing more signings there in the future.
Thanks so much for taking time out to chat with us and good luck
Thank you for the chance to talk about Kiss River.
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