Burning Lamp
Amanda Quick
G P Putnam’s Sons
328 pages
The Burning Lamp is book two in the Dreamlight Trilogy.
There are three authors who dominate all the romance world Jayne Ann Kretnz, Amanda Quick and Jayne Castle and guess what they’re the same woman. Jayne Ann Krentz writes contemporary, Amanda historical and Jayne Castle futuristic/paranormal, but what would happen if all three authors wrote one book in a trilogy, wonder no more because that time has come.
Welcome to the world of The Arcane Society Jayne/Amanda/Jayne’s wonderfully made up consortium devoted to the research and advancing of paranormal behavior. Griffin Winters knows all about threats having grown up on the streets after the death of his parents, he’s learned to not only survive but to thrive as he builds a vast underworld empire. He’s always had certain abilities and now with the onset of the Winter’s curse needs to find the talents of one woman, now he just has to find her. Than woman happens to be Adelaide Pyne a paranormal talent in her own right that has taken a very dangerous step while trying to rid London of it’s notorious brothels. And she knows all about brothels having been sold into one at fifteen after the tragic death of her parents. Together Griffin and Adelaide have to find the secret to The Burning Lamp while they discover what they mean to each other.
Welcome to the world according to Amanda Quick, what a world it is. With her wonderful imaginative story lines, her memorable characters and her unforgettable romance. And you’ll get all three in this wonderful addition to her work. She will wow you with her inventive plot and her imagination will astound you as she puts it all together. Her hero Griffin and heroine Adelaide are two very different people, he an underworld crime boss and she a social reformer, who get in the way of cupids arrows and either have to succumb to love or get run over by it. Her supporting characters play their roles wonderfully and add dimension to the story. The romance is a comedy of errors as we watch these two unsuspecting characters fall deeply in love. Her love scenes are spicy but not raw and they sizzle without being vulgar.
So run don’t walk to your nearest book seller for Amanda’s newest novel. This is part of a trilogy and would be better if read as such, but could be read as a stand-a-lone.
Hi Debbie - Great review - I really loved the book too! It will be interesting to see how it ends in the last book. What did you think of the excerpt at the end of Burning Lamp?
Oh I loved the little come on at the end, makes me want the new one to come out right now