Friday, June 10, 2011

Review of Blood Ties by Sharon Sala

Blood Ties
Sharon Sala
361 pages
ISBN 13: 9780778312642

Blood Ties is the second in the Searchers Trilogy

It’s bad enough to loose your father, but when he dies  and you find you lost your whole family and your whole life is suddenly a lie, that’s a lot to take, but that’s exactly what happens to the Slade Sisters when they attend the reading of the man they thought was their father’s will. Years ago while he was still a traveling Evangelist minister Andrew Slade took in three helpless little girls all from mothers who were in deep trouble.

Savannah Slade is devastated by the news that Andrew isn’t her father, but more than that she finds out in a journal that Andrew left that while her birth mother was dying of cancer her life was threatened by the family of her father, the same family that had her father killed. Savannah decides they’ve gotten away with murder long enough so to avenge the death of her father and the threatening of her mother she decides to take on one of the most influential and wealthiest family in Southern Florida. She leaves behind her almost fiancĂ© Judd, but when the chips are down she’ll find out who her friends are, who are her foes and who is real family regardless of Blood Ties.

Sharon Sala brings us this second in her trilogy with a bigger than life story line and larger than life characters, but she does it with amazing believability by making the characters very three dimensional, very likeable and hate-able in equal degrees. Her dialogue is easy to read, and very descriptive and as she takes us from the wilds of Montana to the bustle of Miami the narrative has fluent movement and her audience will find it hard not to finish this in one setting especially when from the middle on the action takes it up to the highest level. Her characters are all indispensable, unforgettable and immensely important to the tale from the one liners all the way to our stars. Her heroine Savannah is tough and yet fragile and Ms. Sala portrays her to a tee. Her hero Judd is a perfect match for Savannah and plays his part perfectly too. The romance is sweet, but it’s the love scenes that burn up the pages so expect to turn down the air conditioning, sit under the fan and put plenty of ice in that Southern Sweat Tea.

I love trilogies and if you do too this should definitely go on your to buy list, you get the stand a lone quality novel with the added benefit of knowing that you can re-visit these characters through all three. If you like the rock-em sock-em romantic suspense believe me when I say this one will raise your heart rate and your pulse, keep you on the edge of your seat and scared to death. It’s a must buy for a great summer read.
Buy the book here visit the author’s website here

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